Friday, February 13, 2009

Neverending Voice Mail

My wife's family likes to call our house and leave 25 minute voice mail messages. The length is bad enough but then they really piss me off by having conversations with nobody. The one I just partially (I have never listened to a full message) listened to: "Hi Jilly, it's mom. How ya doin? How ya feelin? I'm not feeling well today....". That's as far as I got before I deleted it. Do they think someone is there and just happened to answer the phone by saying, "You have reached the Coffins, please leave a message ... after the tone please leave a message or hang up BEEEEEP". Do they think that's me and some random woman answering the phone that way? I get 6 or 7 messages from these people every week. Listening to them would require me set aside an hour of my time. No thanks. Anyway, that's my rant.

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